Over the years, a large number of books have been published on the subject of paddling and related topics. We have put together a short bibliography to get your library started.
General Paddling
Weather and Oceanography
Leadership and Decision Making
Safety and Rescue
General Paddling
Hanson, Jonathan. Complete Sea Kayak Touring. Camden Maine: Ragged Mountain Press, 1998.
Hutchison, Derek. The Complete Book of Sea Kayaking. 4th ed. Old Saybrook CT: Globe Pequot, 1995.
Johnson, Shelley. The Complete Sea Kayaker’s Handbook. Camden Maine: Ragged Mountain Press, 2002.
Rowe, Ray ed. Canoeing Handbook. Nottingham, United Kingdom: British Canoe Union, 1995.
Birch, David. Fundamentals of Kayak Navigation. 3Rd ed. Guilford CT: Globe Pequot, 1999.
Eyges, Leonard. The Practical Pilot: Coastal Navigation by Eye, Intuition, and Common Sense. Camden, Maine: International Marine Publishing, 1989.
Moyer, Lee. Sea Kayak Navigation Simplified. Mukilteo, Washington: Alpen Books Press, 2001
Wing, Charlie. Boating Magazines One Minute Guide to the Nautical Rules of the Road. Camden, Maine: International Marine/ Ragged Mountain Press, 1998
Weather and Oceanography
_____. West Coast Marine Weather Hazards Manual. Canada: Environment Canada, 1999.
Thomson, Richard. Oceanography of the British Columbia Coast. Canada: Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 1981. http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/libraries-bibliotheques/toc-tdm/487-eng.htm
Renner, Jeff. Marine Weather of the Pacific Northwest. Seattle, Washington: The Mountaineers, XX.
Leadership and Decision-Making
Priest, Simon and Michael A. Gass. Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming. Champain, Illinois: Human Kinetics, 1997.
Graham, John. Outdoor Leadership: Technique, Common Sense and Self-Confidence. Seattle, Washington: The Mountaineers, 1997.
Baird, Brian. Are We Having Fun Yet? Enjoying the Outdoors with Partners, Families, and Groups. Seattle, Washington: The Mountaineers, 1995.
Safety and Rescue
Alderson, Doug and Michael Pardy. Seakayaker Magazine’s Handbook of Sea Kayak Safety and Rescue. Cambden Maine: International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press, 2003.
_____. Lessons Learned: A Guide to Accident Prevention and Crisis Response. Anchorage, Alaska: University of Alaska, Alaska Outdoor & Experiential Education, 2000.
Broze, Matt and George Gronseth. Sea Kayaker Deep Trouble: True Stories and Their Lessons from Sea Kayaker Magazine. Camden, Maine: International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press, 1997.
Lull, John. Sea Kayaking Safety and Rescue. Berkeley, California: Wilderness Press, 2001.
Schumann, Roger and Jan Shriner. Sea Kayak Rescue: The Definitive Guide to Modern Reentry and Recovery Techniques. Guilford, Connecticut: The Globe Pequot Press, 2001.
_____. Adventure Program Risk Management Report. Boulder, Colorado: The Association for Experiential Education, 1998.
Isaac, Jeffrey. The Outward Bound Wilderness First-Aid Handbook. New York, New York: The Lyons Press, 1998.
National Safety Council and Wilderness Medical Society. Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care for Remote Locations. Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1998.
_____. Critical Judgement : Understanding and Preventing Canoe and Kayak Fatalities. Springfield, Maryland. American Canoe Association. 2003.
_____. Critical Judgement II : Understanding and Preventing Canoe and Kayak Fatalities. Springfield, Maryland. American Canoe Association. 2004.